Thursday 19 May 2011

Difference between DNA and RNA

                DNA is a term that they use & listen to often. Be it for chemistry or forensic inquiry, DNA has not only played an important role, but a popular . RNA on the other hand has been a silent (& for plenty of years, invisible) hero, for the same fields. Definitively, RNA & DNA are proteins. DNA has less OH than the RNA. This, makes their structure a tiny bit different .

Technically, ribonucleic acid & deoxyribonucleic acid definite sound similar. But lets face it, in the human body, redundancy does not exist. Check out this article to understand the differentiation in DNA & RNA.

Let's start with the brass tacks. Several factors differentiate DNA from RNA.

Definitively speaking :
~~>  DNA is a nucleic acid, that contains the genetic instructions used in the development & functioning of all known living organisms. RNA is a nucleic acid polymer, that plays an important role in the method that translates genetic information from deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in to protein products.

Physique & structure :
~~> DNA is a double - strand molecule. It's a long chain of nucleotides. RNA is a single stranded molecule that has comparatively shorter chains of nucleotides.

Job role & profile :
~~> DNA is a medium of storing & transferring genetic information. RNA facilitates the transfer of messages from the DNA to the ribosomes (they are protein synthesis complex).

Base formation :
~~> DNA is paired as A-T (Adenine-Thymine ) & G-C (Guanine-Cytosine). RNA is paired as A-U (Adenine-Uracil) & G-C (Guanine-Cytosine).

Location, location, location :
~~> DNA is present in the nucleus, the genetic material & as sugar in the deoxiribose. RNA can be tracked in the nucleus & cytoplasm.

Stability factors :
~~> Deoxyribose sugar in DNA is less reactive because they are ruled by the C-H bonds. They are stable in alkaline conditions. They have smaller grooves where the damaging enzyme can attach itself. This makes it harder for the enzyme to assault DNA. Ribose sugar in RNA is more reactive, thanks to the C-OH (hydroxyl) bonds. They are absolutely not stable in alkaline conditions. RNA has larger grooves which makes it simpler to be attacked by enzymes (it is the weak-link!).

Geometric facts :
~~> DNA has helix geometry of the B-form. RNA has helix geometry of the A-form.

USP's :
~~> The body destroys enzymes that cleave DNA. Ultra-violet rays can severely destroy the DNA. RNA strands are made, broken down & reused repeatedly. RNA is more resistant to destroy by ultra-violet rays (alright, here RNA is not the weak-link!).

1.  The characteristic difference in the is the difference in the sugar present in both of them. DNA has deoxysibose sugar and RNA has ribose sugar. The of them differ on single point that ribose sugar has more OH as compared to deoxyribose sugar.

2.  RNA & DNA are different from each other. Nevertheless, each is important for the smooth functioning of the other. Whatever characteristics an individual has, are because of the composition of the storage in the DNA & the functioning of the RNA.

My basic attempt in this article was to give a generic understanding of these complex elements, so that further research (if intended) is simpler. Hopefully, by the finish of the article the terms didn't appear to be in Greek & Latin!!

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